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New 23-01, 17:50
if u got 16 its fine for now . but i wopuld upgrade to 32 if u lanning to install win11
New 23-01, 17:49
win 10 and win11 with firefox and more few browsers open take like 8 giga
New 23-01, 17:48
ul need as much ram as u can . for future os
New 23-01, 17:10
for the M.2 ssd go on samsung . get 250 giga to make it for windows . and add more 1 tb sata iii sdd evo samsung for ur storage
New 23-01, 17:08
power suply go for Antec or Corsair or SeaSonic brands
New 23-01, 17:05
dont use the onboard graphic card , buy simple vga like Asus GT 1030 2GB
New 23-01, 17:03
go with 16x2 ram
New 22-01, 20:43
sup devil
New 18-01, 21:49
i had to fix some stuff in the forum
New 18-01, 21:49
ul be that first orcale
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