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New 05-07, 23:33
namely democrats shooting each other
New 05-07, 23:33
it's not the weapons it's the stupid people
New 21-06, 04:22
standing there with the fridge door open send them home
New 21-06, 04:21
New 21-06, 04:21
stupid fancy high tech fridge ruining my porn movie the family hub box pops up whenever someone stands there all stupid lke with the fridge door wide open i gott yell at my wife "please close the fridge or send the stupid people standing there with the do
New 20-06, 20:04
ill join up again in about 2 weeks
New 20-06, 20:02
good deals for the new summer pricing FB
New 17-06, 13:45
hate when that happens some other IPTV took over their site and shit
New 17-06, 13:44
aww my IPTV is gone
New 17-06, 05:42
New 17-06, 05:41
thanks Firebird for the message appreciate it you were always a man of your word hasn't changed
New 16-06, 21:07
New 16-06, 04:26
what is a xubster neverheard of it
New 13-06, 22:52
New 02-06, 21:31
New 01-06, 04:22
thanks for filling request Doc
New 31-05, 18:04
a lot of companies make that cannabis cream but the best one is named Tikun made in israel the guy got the dosages just right works longer and better than the competitors
New 31-05, 18:02
you just rub it on any spot on your body that hurts and it takes the pain away pretty much instantly
New 31-05, 18:02
and been using this cannabis pain cream from israel
New 31-05, 18:01
it gets rid of several symptoms
New 31-05, 18:01
just use it now for cancer and it works great
New 31-05, 18:01
i was in military so never used it when i was younger for recreation
New 31-05, 18:00
New 31-05, 17:59
but the medical marijuana really helps with the cancer
New 31-05, 17:55
im in the strictest state they make you renew it every 7 months kind of a opain in the ass
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